Thursday, April 30, 2009

Love of A Mother..Warmth of A Father

Being the first born in my family and the eldest grandson, in my mind, the love of the mother is in bringing up the child, it is the mothers love that comforts the child, taking them for their bath, ensuring that they eat the right meal, sleep at the right time and other stuff. In my childhood, it was my mom that did it for my brothers, when evening came , it was her that made all of us bath (heck..even I also kena) she made sure we ate the right food and did our duties and slept at the same time.


Dominantly, the father is the provider of the family, it is to him that they run to ensure their safety, A father provides the roof, food and all the must of life. There is an old saying, if the child is rude and dirty than blame the mother and if the child poorly dress or has not enough to eat than blame it on the father.  To us, the brothers, our father had to work outstation most of the time and such we saw him around once or twice in a fortnight BUT we know that in times of trouble, it was him that would come back and save us. There were times that I had trouble with the law (ya ya..i started early) and once I had a bad accident and 2 of my friends died in it, it was my father who appeared magically and made the trouble go away, the sight of him made me feel invincible and I knew that I was safe.   


In these modern times, many parents let the maid to raise their children, to them, providing occasional toys and petty hugs and kisses are enough. Fathers role do not change much as they still work day in and day out while providing for the family but in these new times, the mothers has passed their traditional duties to the maid. It is because they are working or socializing. We read in the newspaper everyday of the morale decay within our youth, the bohsia and rempit sickness that has plagued the land and even those in the university is not immune, we had thought they are safe in higher institution but later we find their videos of making out or full sexual escapades on youtube.


These are trying to be avoided and when it happens then parents are the one to blame but the damage was done so long ago, the child can see their mother not at home due to work or social parties and is left to the maid. How would a maid be able to displin the child?it is not her child afterall and usually when emergency happens, it’s the maid that know the intimate details of the child NOT the mother. What is going on now? Are children merely tokens now? As long we spend 1-2 hours with them a day and buy them some presents then they will grow up fine? I don’t really agree, I have 2 kids of my own and I do and try as much as I can to be with them, I want them to know that nothing in this world is more important than them. (heck, imagine seeing me running around in a mini kids park..) it is sad how money and the world changes our values, our family or more importantly our children that we work so hard for to provide a better future for them, ends up as porn stars on youttube or even worse leaves you at the slightest chance or becomes a rempit or bohsia.


Many parents face this problem in the later life, children running away with strangers while they trying to figure out what happen, not only the aspect of this but of safety and health is also a paramount reason. Children being left with the maid are not properly fed, they don’t have a fixed schedule in terms of sleep and eating (which usually is a start of a serious dieses) then mothers scream about mothers right or what happen? A mothers place is at home, with the children, that is why there is a saying that a mother love know no bounds, when I was ill my mom took extra care and neglected the world to ensure I recovered. When my brother had cancer, she gave up her life and stayed with him till the end. This is a mothers love, not sending the maid to ensure my brother took his medicine or his food, this is what is wrong with the world today.   It seems many are not sure of their roles, many parents would rather be the rich style of raising kids, leave it all the maid (or sometimes maids)


With mothers day around the corner, I feel xtra love for my mom, for her sacrifices that she has made, not only for me but for my brothers and how even at a late age, she sacrificed to ensure I had a comfortable platform to build a foundation to raise my kids. I love her for the guiadance and support she gave me and it is my hope that my children will grow up knowing the love and support of parents as I had been privileged to. I also dedicate this article to my bro, Syed Joe who just had his 1st born son. Grats my brother, welcome to parenthood.



Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Malaysian's Warmth

fowarded by a friend..



lu pikir lah sendiri.....
Salam & Hello friends,

I snapd this photo on Monday 6th April 6.30pm, in Komuter from KL Central. It's happen I had to take Komuter on that day. I think this is my 3rd or 4th time ride in Komuter.  Obviously you can see a lady carrying her kid  STANDING nearby the main door.  Her kid is sleeping.  And please have a good look at those 4 ladies..sitting and pretending they didn't see the mother with baby!

The woman in brown baju kurung is sleeping (I can forgive her la...after few stations only she woke up..) the  girl in long hair just sit there busy SMSing, the lady in headphone finally offered her seat only after 15-20 minutes (or maybe after she realised I took their photo).  And paling sakit hati...the lady in red t-shirt just buat2 tak tau..or pretending she didn't see the mother with baby..after the lady in blue T offered her seat, the lady in red shirt looks relief and try to give manja look at the sleeping baby.

This thing happen because WE allow it to happen.
For those who never/seldom ride in Komuter, LRT, or other public transport..this is real.  Be grateful that you are not one of them who have to use public transport.  Even looking at it make you feel sad and mad.  For those who are using public transport..don't allow this to happen.  Make effort to offer your seat or to ask people who is sitting (if they are fit!) to offer their seat.

be a better malaysian

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Bro..

                Dear Izzany,


                Its been a while since I wrote to you, well, you would be 31 years old today. I am still dealing with the emptiness that you left behind. Mom and Ayah misses you a whole lot to, not to mention the uncles and cousins. I always get a lump in my throat when I play with my kids as I think how they are deprived of ever knowing you. Don’t get me wrong, of course I tell them about you but I guess in the end its your presence that leads the experience of knowing you.


                Recently I went to Genting with the kids and hell, it reminded me so much of our time together. The rave party and the ever non stop rides that we use to take up there. They got this new ride now, something ala superman roller coster, I wish you been there and try it with me, yup your brother when on it as well. Heck, im not that old right? Remember when we made zaki go on one of the rides? Hahahah that is precious memory. Anywhow, from where you are, I am sure you know that I have a new baby boy, well not so new coz he going 2 years old soon. We named him after you Syed Nong Iddraqi (we changed the ZZ to DD and added a Q) but as I remembered in all our times , your name card was always Syed Izzany Nong so I combined the name and came out with that. As for Kak Long she is fine and now an important executive in Village Mall. Seems that is a sad and long story to tell you but I think you know.


                I have been trying to pray more and somehow I cant seems to lose the emptiness feeling that I feel inside. I question everytime, why did you guys leave me? It is so hard without both of you and miss you both tremendously, well, not to be a mushy type but ya bro, I miss so much. A piece of news, Rizal got a baby boy on the 21st and ami jon got a girl on April Fool’s day. Ya life goes on and we get by. Ayah and mak is into farming now and if you were here, I would problay put you in Cinta Sayang with me because I am sure they could use your IT talents.


                In life, I guess we never know how much we love someone till they are gone, seems that no matter how much or how many time we remind people, only a real reason of missing someone or knowing that you have screwed up is about the only way to really understand. When you have taken things for granted and get things your way, times we lose and forget ourselves. It is till God test that we understand it. Remember when we use to talk, I would ponder on the purpose on my life?i thought it was for the Lost Boys but I was wrong. After Lid was gone, I thought that my goal was to take care of you and Zaki but then I failed and you were both taken away, now something I hold dear is about to go as well, try as I might I don’t think it can be saved but all in all, the joy I get is through the joy of my children, no matter how hard life gets to me, their smile, cries and laughter fills my soul with joy and I will not fail them like I failed you guys. I will remain by their side and be the hand that keeps them from falling, the hand that pushes them forward and the hand that wipes away the tears when they cry. I just wish you were here bro, you and Zaki would be such an asset to them.


                All in all, I wish you a happy birthday, Kierra and Iddraqi is still young to follow me on my visits to your resting place but insyallah, I will bring them to the path of god as I am slowly crawling my way there as well, look over us and do pass some kind words for your niece and nephew to the passing angels. Till then, remember that I love you and we all love, miss and pray for you everyday.






Thursday, April 9, 2009

Are you a nail or hammer?

                How does one describe one’ s self? In a world that is ever evolving and changing, we strive to adapt. If history has taught us anything is that humans are an adaptive creature. Mating to populate the earth and eventually becoming the master race of the planet. As we move along into the new era or century, the world is yet again hit by an economic crisis, on that would sent many companies to the seizure house, many people to the jobless line and the mushrooming of new millionaires. Yes, it is true, for every 1000 people that get destitute or bankrupt due to economic whiplash, a few of millionaires are born, these people are what we can call hammers, they are the doers, they wait for no one.


                In the great depression of the 1930’s,  America was greatly hit by the economic plague, many top tycoons committed suicide while many and I mean millions of Americans suffered but it was during this era that Lucky Luciano (the founder of the organized crime), Bugsey Sigel (The founder and creator of what Las Vegas is today-though he died without even seeing what he had started) and many others emerged as the rich boys of the era, even the blacks and Hispanic had their own underground leaders that later became the rich society. In fact, prior to the depression,  they were nobody at all, just normal folks caught in the current world problem. In the early computer age, the so called birth of the Internet, the world was reeling from an economic slowdown but yet, Apple, Netscape, Goggle and Yahoo became household name and captured the $$ from the market. The question is how did this people become what they are today, are they hammers or nails?


                Hammers are criteria to associate with successful people, taking the term from a hammer, these people would do things without being told, always aware of the current surrounding and knowing how to capitalize from it. They are most often not hard to discipline as they are not at ease with procedures and limitations, nothing is impossible for them and although they tend to be very aggressive and get into trouble but to them the ends justify the means. Monitoring them would be a hassle but yet this people are hard to come by, for they are daring and able to take responsibility for their actions. They need constant rewards and appreciation for if not they will move on. They thrive on the spotlight and the drug for them is need. As long as they are in need then they will thrive. Great at working under pressure but sorely weak in calm times as they tend to get bored and relax, for them the pumping of blood, the chase of the dateline and the production of the impossible is what they crave for.  


                Nails are the criteria of the normal, they are not weak or poor but rather the normal. We find many of them around. They are loyal, dependable and would follow instructions (to the letter) These people lack the motivation to succeed or the will to be special, for them it is better to be safe than sorry.  The people that are considered nails would not make good soldiers though because of their lack or unwillingness to commit or take responsibility. Any good idea or suggestion they have would be suppressed and kept inside them. Although they would take the credit from other peoples work and passing it as their won, the pattern is that they would usually take the credit after the function or work is done. The issue with the Nails is that they will only do the work up to the order given, no extra and no incentive. These people are good to keep in calm times as they are loyal and will not rock the boat, in fact you can pass any order to them and they will do WITHOUT thinking of the effects or if it is right or wrong BUT in trouble times, there people are the least people you want in your team. They will constantly be contented with what they have and avoid the lime light or trouble shooting. As long as the pattern or status que is not broken, they will be happy and contented.


                The question here is that as owners of business which would kind would you like to have? Which would push benefit your organization? A few nails or a few hammers? In there trying times, give me a hammer anyday because nails are dime a dozen.



Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Zakierra's New Car

                As the month of April starts, many news and happenings have been going on within my ever so humble life. Ami Jon has been blessed with a Baby girl (right on April Fool’s Day) and Nakishah got married .. (man do I feel old) the most busiest times because of the elections. The 13 independents are really giving BN&PR a run for their money. It would be funny if they win. It would be hard. Anyway I’ll talk about politics in my later post for now.. I want tell you the story of kierra.

                After much debate and the sacrifice of parenting, I decided to get a second car. Well not exactly a new car but useable and affordable. I told Kierra that the car I bought for her. The night we went to get the car, we came back around 9pm and guess what she did, quietly she took out the car cloth and proceeded to wipe her car as it was raining when we came back hence the car was wet. So lovely. Adik also as usual kapochi .

The next day, I went to work and she woke up to find her car missing, she cried (poor girl) so I rushed home and got her permission for to use the car, lolz. Anyway here are the picture of my princess wiping her car.