Sunday, March 21, 2010

Some people

Its pretty late&i haven't updated my blog for some time. Didn't bring my laptop so I guess,this phone will suffice for now.
As the month of March passes by(pretty fast to me) I saw how some people can't see the most obvious things,(Blame the movie Confuicios that I just saw).
Some people actually think that they are helping you when in real fact they are just using you,of course in helping them,you do gain some benefits but if you setup a candy shop then do scream at the candy staff when you don't provide the candy to sell,especially if it becomes a match of dare,the owner says sell the candy while the seller say give me the candy thus its a deadlock.
There are also some people,who profess their love&dedication to their so called boyfriend/girlfriend but yet expect you to be on their beck&call,to be on standby to bail them out or to cheer them.True enough you did this in the past but that was so they could decide what they wanted&not be on a reserve bench.
Then their are some that flirt with missing you or their child but yet it was their own actions that lead to the current situation&yet they just sit idly by&moan&whine but never do anything to resolve the matter. Every one makes mistakes&take it from me,losing those I love has thought me that life cannot be talen for granted,take what you have,value them.right your wrongs and make amends. Remember God is always watching,if he keep giving you signs but you ignore them then you risk his wrath,for one day you would wake up to find you have lost what youlove most&even those who you love don't even know who you are.
Actions always speaks louder than words but yet,we must always be able to see the actions and recognize them for what they are,there is no need to always find fault but rather think the best of it because at the end of the day,is that not what you want all and not just some people to think of you?
Think about it..Don't let it be too late.
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