Saturday, November 2, 2013

11 and counting

Hey folks,

Sitting at the airport and tapping this out on my note three.  Damn, technology is really great and will surely get better.  As we go down the path of the future, I'm sure of more things to come.  Sadly so things in life will never know progress, human nature.  Greed, selfishness and cruel. Though are words such as motivation, inspire and guide but yet a true nature of humans cannot be changed, some say that it's a character trait of a successful man, hell ya if ur comparing to Hitler, edi amin or stalin.. Successful? Yes..  But well u know what I mean.  Then there people like gandhi, mother Theresa, the prophet whom live life on motivating people and finding the good of us rather than the worse of us..  Are they not successful?

As the nwcap grows near, I'm at a crossroads here.  With my title sponsor and the work that needs to be completed in 11 days bearing down on me.  With the support of my family team of AKR and pals..  We will reach there I hope.

On another note, an old memory has come back..  To nowhere or to somewhere is uncertain, for all I can say is that if it is good grace and his will, I ain't the one to shy away from this adventure, no matter where it leads...

Happy Deepavali and Awal Muharam  folks.
