Friday, September 10, 2010

Hello Shawal again..

Here comes Shawal again, across the world, millions of muslim prepare to celebrate the ending of fasting month, As usual i get a emotional during this time of year, for those who know, you would know that this are the times that the feeling of loss of my father and brother hits the most, including the fact that this is the second time im celebrating it as a single parent.

Much has changed since the last raya, business seems to improve with not only a CC but a paintball park and 6 big events coming along the way, This is contributed by the strong support that is given my the brothers, the trust and faith and support in realising this dream. For if it was a few years ago, i am sure that it could have never been done. The ideas, solutions and projects are from God and it is us the vassal that complete the work.

Many asked about being a single parent and during the journey from one Shawal to this one, i have met many that could have be a partner but sadly, they were found not worthy for some reason or another, looking back i guess it was all done for a reason, the greatest joy now.. For those that are sad and in lost, let me share something..

Last raya, i had thought that my life was virtually at the end, no work, no mrs and lost my daughter, the fact that my son was with me fuelled me to go on and faced the world. For if not for him i would not know where i would have ended up. As time goes by and with the will and blessing of god, i found hope, support and strength from family and friends. Friends that was once forgotten and family that was once never so close. Help came from the least expected areas and so did business and opportunities. A year later(Muslim Calendar) i am far more stable with tons of work and the best part is that my daughter is back with me. Her return has brought out my son from his closure and day by day he is improving to become the vibrant child that he should be. Of course there are hardships and scarifices that had to be made but in the end, it served as the stepping stone and a guiding path to a greater goal. As others ask about my personal life, for now, i am contented to spend it with my children and getting closer to the family, yes of course that it does not chase away the lonleness and the need for love but like i said, sacrifices need to be made, so i don’t go chasing or looking for it, just grateful for what i have and gathering my efforts for a better tomorrow.

If you find this raya lonely and quiet or angry with what you have to deal with, Please don’t, look for that silver lining and remember to find your strength, preserver and have faith in god almighty, for it is from him that everything comes from...

Peace and Selamat Hari Raya...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Selamat Berpuasa

My name is Syaaban. I m advising U that my neighbour Ramadan will b visiting U soon with his wife Puasa & 2 kids Sahur & Iftar. They will b accompanied by 3 grandchildren Rahmat, Barakat & Tawba. They wil leave soon enough by Eid Airlines. B a good host & maybe they will let u go to their house in Jannah.
Hahahaha, Salam Ramadhan.
(Used with Permission)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Thoughts by Sy.Sherezal.
Its early morning but my eyes r wide,
Thoughts of you that fills my mind,
Looking at u its peace that I find,
In a dark hour when the world is unkind.

I know it scares u of how I feel,
Tell me how to make u believe,
With u by myside so much to achieve,
Thus taking our place as king&queen.

Relax my angel don't be worried,
For my thoughts of u are very pure,
Find it in ur heart so that we might share,
A journey of discovery with love&care.

Hush pretty all will be fine,
As we dream of days and nights to keep,
Missing the touch of ur hand in mine,
The sparkle of ur eye that is so deep.

Accept this humble gift from me to u,
May it put a smile in days of dark&blue,
Merely simple words but they r true,
The muse that inspire me that is you.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Some people

Its pretty late&i haven't updated my blog for some time. Didn't bring my laptop so I guess,this phone will suffice for now.
As the month of March passes by(pretty fast to me) I saw how some people can't see the most obvious things,(Blame the movie Confuicios that I just saw).
Some people actually think that they are helping you when in real fact they are just using you,of course in helping them,you do gain some benefits but if you setup a candy shop then do scream at the candy staff when you don't provide the candy to sell,especially if it becomes a match of dare,the owner says sell the candy while the seller say give me the candy thus its a deadlock.
There are also some people,who profess their love&dedication to their so called boyfriend/girlfriend but yet expect you to be on their beck&call,to be on standby to bail them out or to cheer them.True enough you did this in the past but that was so they could decide what they wanted&not be on a reserve bench.
Then their are some that flirt with missing you or their child but yet it was their own actions that lead to the current situation&yet they just sit idly by&moan&whine but never do anything to resolve the matter. Every one makes mistakes&take it from me,losing those I love has thought me that life cannot be talen for granted,take what you have,value them.right your wrongs and make amends. Remember God is always watching,if he keep giving you signs but you ignore them then you risk his wrath,for one day you would wake up to find you have lost what youlove most&even those who you love don't even know who you are.
Actions always speaks louder than words but yet,we must always be able to see the actions and recognize them for what they are,there is no need to always find fault but rather think the best of it because at the end of the day,is that not what you want all and not just some people to think of you?
Think about it..Don't let it be too late.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy Valentines

Aye,valentines day is around the corner.wat r u going to do 4 your loved ones? Guys,let me tell u tat Valentine day is a day for men. MEN?how can that be?its for girls,with flower&choc's&what not,how can it be a day for man?
Aaaaaa let me tell you.(Girls,go get ur bf/husbands&wat not to read) valentines is the one day in the year that a man can be truly romantic&not get hammered by his friends.this is the day that you can ask for forgiveness&go cooko&ur partner will not think of sending you to tanjung rambutan.if u had always dream of sending poems or special gifts,well now is the time.remember showing u love&appricite them will take u a long way.
If my valentine was around then there was so many plans in my head. Honestly its all hard as its not ur normal valentone for me,to me its like the day I can truly show her my feelings,sadly she will be away thus I have to hope for next year but for the rest of you out there,go on,pull out all the stops,show her how much u love her coz u might not b there for the cming one. Be original but most importantly be urself. Happy Valentines Day!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Friday, January 22, 2010

22 days of January

22 days into the year and things are moving and moving and moving. Iddraqi has finally come out of his shell, no more in a world of his own but rather becoming more towards himself. I guess mom did a great job in pushing him out of his shell. As for me, well the work is growing, the organization is being laid out and for once since a long long time, i feel that i am actually making a diffrencence, like there is hope at the end of the tunnel. The last time i guess was when we had Iweb and we had strive so hard to achieve it, we had the lost boyz and we had each other. someone told me once long time ago that no matter how good Maradona was he still needed his team mates. that is so true,you can be the best player but if your team sucks then so would you (C.Ronaldo, i really hope your reading this hahahahah)
the coolest thing was finding a kindered soul in the most unlikely place. A phone call from sarawak and a rendezvous encounter in Penang, all i can say is wow. God sure knows how to set things up. Also this past month, i have met good friends and new sisters, as weird as it sounds, helping others is actually helping me (yup i dont get it too) but it does, as you listen to a problem or help others then somehow your troubles seems to disappear and you feel stronger. There was an issue with a person who could not let go, and i had hope to help them see that there are times you just have to let things go and be strong enough to make the change, though i dont think i did much good in that case. i just pray that it helps. We live in a life that is always entwine with others, community dictates that we evolve and adapt. we must adapt, for that is the purpose of life and we must fight. Dont let guidelines and rules control us, rules are there to guide us but as we evolve we become better, more mature and able to think for ourselves. So fight for what you want, times the pain and hardship bears down on you but remember the finishing line. think of the rewards that awaits you. So fight and keep on fighting. Always remember, what dont kill you, only makes you stronger..

Friday, January 1, 2010

1st day of 2010

39 minutes till the 1st day of 2010. How are you resolutions coming along? Making progress? Every year, someone some place, started this tradition of making promises on new years, this are mostly more like promises that would never happen (The world's first know slacker)As such, we are now bound by this silly tradition. THe famous one for smokers would be to quit smoking( i never ventured through this road, as i know i cannot walk the path) THus time i would like to make a change, and give out wishes for the new year rather than making  promises i cant keep.

For Sons&Daughters:
>I wish you all a happy new year. Resolve to understand your parents as most times in life, you expect and want them to accept you for who you are but if you dont give them the chance to know than, how would they be able to accept you?
For Fathers&Mothers:
>I wish a happy new year to you: Resolve to be open minded and understanding, you sometimes forget that there was once when you were that age and very resistance to order as well, if you do not want your children to live your mistakes or do things that you did then you should sit down and talk to them. NOPE, not a lecture sitdown about the good and bad of life but rather, talk to them at par, tell them your story. Of  your mistakes and how did it effect you, how did you recover, the lesson's learned from it. Preaching goodness to our children may look good but they (the children) need to know that you are human being too, able to make mistakes and most importantly able to rectify and improve from those mistakes.
For Newly Wed Couples:
>A Happy new year to both of you. A union of marriage is a scared thing.. Resolve to be true to your partner and you, be strong. especially when the trouble clouds blow on your ship and the storm rains down on it. Remember that a union is forever. Be strong, dont take the easy out and give up. It is for more easier to give up but understand, Divorce is never good and a true marriage will stands through the test of time. Marriages will always be tested, be strong and understanding, even if you lose your way and make mistakes, remember that your partner has chosen you for life and you know that by being humble and apologetic will heal the wounds, you know how to win his/her heart the best. Dont be tempted with the other side (affairs) as the grass is always greener on the other side, remember that your partner has accepted you for you BAD habits as you have. Even if you sway and lost to temptation, be strong and honorable enough to make a comeback and win your place again, especially if you are gifted with children, for nothing is worse than a broken home.
For all:
>Happy new year and welcome to 2010. Be strong, be postive and most importantly be humble, we living on borrowed time and we must live behind legacy and justice for all. There is no need for war as we are the only specis that has the ability to improve and think, we are not tigers or lions, we are HUMANS so lets us all act the part. Let us look into the bigger picture. If one of us starts to think of others before ourselves, than we are making a postive step towards a better person and greater world. Remember Micheal Jackson: Man In The Mirror. It is a start for all of us, god has give us another year, lets us all make the best of it, repent, attone for our sins, mistakes and stupididty, make amends to those who have been hurt by our actions. Lets us make this journey together.