Doa Malaikat Jibrail menjelang Ramadhan. "Ya Allah?abaikanlah puasa umat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W jika apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan 3 perkara:
1. Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua org tuanya.
2. Tidak bermaafan terlebih dahulu antara suami isteri.
3. Tidak bermaafan terlebih dulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya".
Maka Rasullullah S.A.W pun ucapkan amin tiga kali. Oleh itu ingat lah wahai semua ummat Muhammad S.A.W akan pesanan di atas. Semoga Allah S.W.T memberkati dan sentiasa menjaga ibadah puasa kita.
Jadi saya mengambil kesempatan ini ingin memohon ampun dan maaf pd kamu,dr hjg rmbut hgg hjung kaki. Jika ada salah dan silap,terkasar bhasa mhupn trguris hati, hrp di maafkan.. Salam Ramadhan
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
"At times we stumble in the dark,as we move to our destination..In the midst of confusion..What we see may not be the same as other see it..Don't Be Angry...Be Understanding"
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Doing just fine
Inspired by the song "doing just fine" by boys to men(a song that seems to get alot of airplay in my car)
The week past and we move in through the motions, its has been a great week, with the conclusion of MPOC five and the start of the road to world cup asia.

MPOC is over and for a team that is a first timer in D3, we did pretty ok, finished fourth and third overall in the league, which would mean we will be going to D2 next year. For me, it was a blast, the last time i holded a marker was mpoc4 and without training, it was good to see that i still mattered to the team and i could still contribute to them. Now its time to prepare for world cup asia and i hope we can make an impact there.

Adik was ill for a few days due to the heat but alhdulilah he is much better and re started his school, it is still hard to accept his condition amd times i pray he would just snap out of it and still do pray on it.

NPOC thia year will see a major facelift and a new divison with a major sponsor in it, i am confident it will be a very successful leg, come this time. As AKR grows, new companies are formed, old friends return to join the battle and new faces also join the team, recovering from a major setback, im happy that everyone is pushing towards success.
Although at night, loneliness comes knocking on my down, i seem to get better and doig just fine. For what has passed is gone, we look towards a new future and it is true that when you dont expect anything is when u get the best of gifts. If only time would move a bit faster and healing be more rapid but one cannot control such things.smiteen by possibilities, i still hold on to prayer&hope that god will showvthe way.
As puasa draws near, the memories of my brothers and father haunt me, as i ache and filled with doubts, i wished they are by myside so i can lean on them. I do have a brother now and the lost boyz are back in form but if only they are here. Still, it is my job to carry on their legacy and keep them alive in memory and prayers, even if im not a learned muslim but i do it everynite which more than those who have fully mastered islam but never practicing it.

To my brother Zaki&Izzany, to my walid, just to say, i am DOING Just fine. I will see you all soon. Happy fasting folks...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
The week past and we move in through the motions, its has been a great week, with the conclusion of MPOC five and the start of the road to world cup asia.

MPOC is over and for a team that is a first timer in D3, we did pretty ok, finished fourth and third overall in the league, which would mean we will be going to D2 next year. For me, it was a blast, the last time i holded a marker was mpoc4 and without training, it was good to see that i still mattered to the team and i could still contribute to them. Now its time to prepare for world cup asia and i hope we can make an impact there.

Adik was ill for a few days due to the heat but alhdulilah he is much better and re started his school, it is still hard to accept his condition amd times i pray he would just snap out of it and still do pray on it.

NPOC thia year will see a major facelift and a new divison with a major sponsor in it, i am confident it will be a very successful leg, come this time. As AKR grows, new companies are formed, old friends return to join the battle and new faces also join the team, recovering from a major setback, im happy that everyone is pushing towards success.
Although at night, loneliness comes knocking on my down, i seem to get better and doig just fine. For what has passed is gone, we look towards a new future and it is true that when you dont expect anything is when u get the best of gifts. If only time would move a bit faster and healing be more rapid but one cannot control such things.smiteen by possibilities, i still hold on to prayer&hope that god will showvthe way.
As puasa draws near, the memories of my brothers and father haunt me, as i ache and filled with doubts, i wished they are by myside so i can lean on them. I do have a brother now and the lost boyz are back in form but if only they are here. Still, it is my job to carry on their legacy and keep them alive in memory and prayers, even if im not a learned muslim but i do it everynite which more than those who have fully mastered islam but never practicing it.

To my brother Zaki&Izzany, to my walid, just to say, i am DOING Just fine. I will see you all soon. Happy fasting folks...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Trying times
As the week draws near to its end, this has been a truly testing time for us. Adik is already going to school but everytime i send him he cries and clings to me, it kills me everytime i had to walk away and leave him there but its for his own good. Yesterday, they started toilet training him and we have to follow at home. Being a single father makes things harder as i have to juggle with the growing company and business. The kids suffer the most and it bring tears in my eyes everytime i watch them sleep as i know they do not have the touch of a mother but accepted the fact that their mother is far away. How long before i lose the support of my own mother in bringing the kids up is like a race in time.

Once there was someone i could share this with but she has long gone and not even looked backed even when i needed to hear her voice. I accept this and move on but always wishing and hoping. Forthe young, it is easy to walk away for they do not yet have the scars of lost as i have which makes me appriciete those around me, to accept failures of others and forgive thier mistakes and guiding them is a hard thing but to the young, its easy as love will abundnce so why look back?
Help comes in many forms as the same of sacrifice, it is not only in money but of time and emotional as well, not everything is about money but if everything is judged on money than we are nothing more than an atm machine. The calls at night, the cuddle as we sleep, the warm kisses and passionate nights, the word of comfort and most importantly knowing that someone is there for you, accepts you for all ur flaws and problems is what live is all about. Not how much money or paying the bills, granted that is thebresponsibility of the man but a man needs his comfort and love, this makes him a better fighter, knowing that makes the trouble lesser. If only it was as easy to explain this but its not.
Some are distracted by the past that they forget about tomorrow, losing the chance of happiness and joy that god has given them, they rather mopp and wallow in past pain, torturing themselves rather than taking the joy and the journey shown to them. Sacrifice is not only money but time and emotions as well, we want to be loved, pampered amd cared for, to be accepted for our flaws and short coming but would we do the same for the other? I beleive that if true love and the niat is sincere that it would come naturally.

As i look at the coming week, i too often wonder if i have enough strgenth to face the coming dawn, the risk of work, heart and love, the possibility of being hurt, rejected or worse to be used but when i look at my kids, i get my stregenth from them and i know that i owe it to them to try and in the end, trying is the first step towards success as god help those who help themselves, so never lose ur faith, in life, in work and esp in love. If its meant to be then it will return. Give it a chance for we never know what tomorrow brings.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Once there was someone i could share this with but she has long gone and not even looked backed even when i needed to hear her voice. I accept this and move on but always wishing and hoping. Forthe young, it is easy to walk away for they do not yet have the scars of lost as i have which makes me appriciete those around me, to accept failures of others and forgive thier mistakes and guiding them is a hard thing but to the young, its easy as love will abundnce so why look back?
Help comes in many forms as the same of sacrifice, it is not only in money but of time and emotional as well, not everything is about money but if everything is judged on money than we are nothing more than an atm machine. The calls at night, the cuddle as we sleep, the warm kisses and passionate nights, the word of comfort and most importantly knowing that someone is there for you, accepts you for all ur flaws and problems is what live is all about. Not how much money or paying the bills, granted that is thebresponsibility of the man but a man needs his comfort and love, this makes him a better fighter, knowing that makes the trouble lesser. If only it was as easy to explain this but its not.
Some are distracted by the past that they forget about tomorrow, losing the chance of happiness and joy that god has given them, they rather mopp and wallow in past pain, torturing themselves rather than taking the joy and the journey shown to them. Sacrifice is not only money but time and emotions as well, we want to be loved, pampered amd cared for, to be accepted for our flaws and short coming but would we do the same for the other? I beleive that if true love and the niat is sincere that it would come naturally.

As i look at the coming week, i too often wonder if i have enough strgenth to face the coming dawn, the risk of work, heart and love, the possibility of being hurt, rejected or worse to be used but when i look at my kids, i get my stregenth from them and i know that i owe it to them to try and in the end, trying is the first step towards success as god help those who help themselves, so never lose ur faith, in life, in work and esp in love. If its meant to be then it will return. Give it a chance for we never know what tomorrow brings.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, July 16, 2011
It come to me like waves,
Waking me from sleep,
A sense of emptyness,
As i am broken not longer complete.
She walked and never looked back,
She will never see how overwhelmed with sad,
She took away a part and im partly dead,
She does not know that i want her back.
Companionship i may search for,
But my heart is gone and my soul is close,
Smiles are fake and laughter maybe a joke,
As i cover the missing the i crave for.
We will never be together again,
With her work&mine goes seperate ends,
Then why do hope lingers in my mind,
Praying to have her love again.
I walk with my family and friends,
Yet im alone without some1 as my girlfriend,
I would trade it all to change how it end,
Yet i sit quietly just lost in the end.

* In this short time called life, we can never control certain things, they are my family&lost boyz to keep me company but after losing her, i accept the fact that my life journey is one without someone to love me, to accept me as i am, taking my wrongs&sins and guide me change so i accept my fate, yet if only.. Yes if only..
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Waking me from sleep,
A sense of emptyness,
As i am broken not longer complete.
She walked and never looked back,
She will never see how overwhelmed with sad,
She took away a part and im partly dead,
She does not know that i want her back.
Companionship i may search for,
But my heart is gone and my soul is close,
Smiles are fake and laughter maybe a joke,
As i cover the missing the i crave for.
We will never be together again,
With her work&mine goes seperate ends,
Then why do hope lingers in my mind,
Praying to have her love again.
I walk with my family and friends,
Yet im alone without some1 as my girlfriend,
I would trade it all to change how it end,
Yet i sit quietly just lost in the end.

* In this short time called life, we can never control certain things, they are my family&lost boyz to keep me company but after losing her, i accept the fact that my life journey is one without someone to love me, to accept me as i am, taking my wrongs&sins and guide me change so i accept my fate, yet if only.. Yes if only..
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, July 15, 2011
A new dawn
The week is almost over but many things happen along the way. First was the bersih incident which showed me that we are truly a commited country, fighting for a new election process, thousands took to the streets to show thier feelings. I was in kl for adiks evaluation and found the streets of kl quiet and errie, with police all over the place, reminds me of a movie of which a town is deserted due to war. Scary.. Still many do not understand why it happen. Im surprised that many dont know, we read the history of how our fore fathers marched the streets for independence, now its happening where r we? Think about it, lets not be selfish about just our lives and others fight the battle for us.

The empty streets of kl
On The other matters, adik tested postive for autisume, which is killing me but i promised to fight and prepare him to beat it. Dont wajt to write much about it as its still hurts as hell.

On matters of the heart, what has passed, has gone, which is also killing me but there is light at the end of the tunnel, maybe this torture is merely a step of cleansing me for a more loving&caring relationship in the future. Yesterday, she cosented to wear my name N i pray that this time around i would be able to find the passion and romance that has been missing for so long. Yeah i love to pamper but also be pampered but well we see how.

Work is going good with the usual hiccups and setbacks, all i can say that is the last week is a new dawn, for me and my family, just when ur down and about to throw the towel due to the end of things, God shows his hand and the end is merely a begining to something new and wonderful. So when life beats u down.. Pause for a moment, value what u have rather than curse what u have lost and insayallah god will reward u.
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The empty streets of kl
On The other matters, adik tested postive for autisume, which is killing me but i promised to fight and prepare him to beat it. Dont wajt to write much about it as its still hurts as hell.

On matters of the heart, what has passed, has gone, which is also killing me but there is light at the end of the tunnel, maybe this torture is merely a step of cleansing me for a more loving&caring relationship in the future. Yesterday, she cosented to wear my name N i pray that this time around i would be able to find the passion and romance that has been missing for so long. Yeah i love to pamper but also be pampered but well we see how.

Work is going good with the usual hiccups and setbacks, all i can say that is the last week is a new dawn, for me and my family, just when ur down and about to throw the towel due to the end of things, God shows his hand and the end is merely a begining to something new and wonderful. So when life beats u down.. Pause for a moment, value what u have rather than curse what u have lost and insayallah god will reward u.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Jalan Cta 2,Klia,Malaysia
Monday, July 11, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011

Taking time to reasses my life, i took the kids out to berjaya. Been wanting to do it for ages but always tak sempat or malas pegi sorng so this time i redah aje sorng& invited my sis to join.Many memories here, last i came was with izzany, thats me mr sensitive, even the clothes tge kids r wearing has a story behind it oh well, that chapter is gone&even when i reach out, its too proud to return, guess its was an illusion ahhh anyhows, better times r coming. Kannnnnnnn.

The kids had a blast, kierra wif her normal daring self wanting to go on the roller coster and adik running everywhere. Looking at adik, i realised that i did things wrong and that i must do better.

A lump in my throat when i think of it. But i shall fight and fight on. Later i went to klia to meet my brother and pick her up frm her flight. Who is the uer im reffering to? Hmmm let time tell(dont want to jinx it)
So tmr its business as usual but i want to go sarawak but sacrifice this time...
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Thursday, July 7, 2011
Second Wind
Its been hell of a week, In KL to take adik for his checkup and lets just say its not what i wanted to hear. Times i wonder how much more i can bear before i break, but i have faith in God and knows that he is just but testing me.

Within the same time, my brother too got a personal test of his own. In the end, we have to battle and keep on battling, its the people around us that keeps us going and gives us the courage to carry on. Its been very lonely for me because after 2009, i kinda kept my doors closed and opened my soul but only twice and got burned twice for it. The last one was worse because it was but only a one way street, people profess and make promise but they are but only words, and words are nothing but alphabets with sound UNLESS it is backed by action.

For my son, Walid is here till God takes me away and even till then i shall always be around to ensure that my daughter and son is well cared for, its an oath backed by resolved and determination. Of course it would help to have someone to support and encourage but with the last love walking away without looking back, as if it was nothing but a speck of dust in the wind, with no feelings at all. A new journey i will and must undertake, and should a soul will be there to keep me company, i will never repeat the past mistakes, take the journey as a new one and may it will be blessed by God. For i fight for all, My Son, Daughter, Brothers, Mother, Father, Lost Boyz, AKR and all those with and around me, the last person would be me.
May God grant me strength in this journey.
Friday, July 1, 2011
A day wif the kids
Taking timeout and refresh from some tragedies and set back, i took the kids out with rizal and his family to this park in jitra. Its was fun... Kierra, iddraqi& khalish had a blast running every where.

- the welcoming commitee.

Assisted by the tour guide

Stone horses..

Break time

Meeting of the trip.
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- the welcoming commitee.

Assisted by the tour guide

Stone horses..

Break time

Meeting of the trip.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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