The week past and we move in through the motions, its has been a great week, with the conclusion of MPOC five and the start of the road to world cup asia.

MPOC is over and for a team that is a first timer in D3, we did pretty ok, finished fourth and third overall in the league, which would mean we will be going to D2 next year. For me, it was a blast, the last time i holded a marker was mpoc4 and without training, it was good to see that i still mattered to the team and i could still contribute to them. Now its time to prepare for world cup asia and i hope we can make an impact there.

Adik was ill for a few days due to the heat but alhdulilah he is much better and re started his school, it is still hard to accept his condition amd times i pray he would just snap out of it and still do pray on it.

NPOC thia year will see a major facelift and a new divison with a major sponsor in it, i am confident it will be a very successful leg, come this time. As AKR grows, new companies are formed, old friends return to join the battle and new faces also join the team, recovering from a major setback, im happy that everyone is pushing towards success.
Although at night, loneliness comes knocking on my down, i seem to get better and doig just fine. For what has passed is gone, we look towards a new future and it is true that when you dont expect anything is when u get the best of gifts. If only time would move a bit faster and healing be more rapid but one cannot control such things.smiteen by possibilities, i still hold on to prayer&hope that god will showvthe way.
As puasa draws near, the memories of my brothers and father haunt me, as i ache and filled with doubts, i wished they are by myside so i can lean on them. I do have a brother now and the lost boyz are back in form but if only they are here. Still, it is my job to carry on their legacy and keep them alive in memory and prayers, even if im not a learned muslim but i do it everynite which more than those who have fully mastered islam but never practicing it.

To my brother Zaki&Izzany, to my walid, just to say, i am DOING Just fine. I will see you all soon. Happy fasting folks...
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