Wednesday, December 14, 2011

With 18 000 people

Lost Boyz in WPPL.
Its almost a month after WCA and here i am on keyboard again, guess you can tell how busy i am huh? hahahahahh well truth to be told, i am pretty busy esp with the preparation of AKR expansion and the events coming in the year 2012.

The tiesto Concert with 18000 ppl
As the year gets closer to closing, many questions play in my about the coming year. how will things be? will things change and surely it must but good or bad? at times, i often consul others that in darkness or bad times there are forever silver linings and rewards from god. Being human makes us prone to ego, selfishness and we always tend to forget the goodness of others. It is always far easier to hate some one then love em. Why is that so? when love or "i love you" is surely the most used phrase in the world? its because it is said without real intent, loving is hard because you must sacrifice urself for your love ones. Look at a mother to a child, she would rather not have anything just so her child can have everything. That is love.

Looking at the year end, as the ultimate human student, i often look at the hearts we have and often wonder how we can make mistakes or be blind? how we hide our trueself ...write about something but yet never do it, say we forgive when we dont, pray to God when in fact we only remember him when times are bad. Looking at the world, we could use some honesty and love, the world is already bad as it is so what is a few egos and pride? is it really wrong to open open and tell a person how much he or she means to u? no one knows how much time they have, what if we dont get to say what we want to say? Let me end by a short story...
Movie time in KL

"There was once a couple, she was very hard to win but he tried and tried and lastly he simply gave up on winning her. Some how through the miracle of God, her heart opened up and accepted him. He was so happy that he promised her that he will always be by her side and support her through hard and good times.

And so one day they went walking by the beach and a very hard storm came and as they walked side by side the rain and storm hit... once the rain had stopped, a pair of angels looked at the 2 sets of footprints by the beach, one agel said "look at the charming couple, walking side by side, you can tell from the 2 loving" then the other angel said " but here u see, when the storm hit its hardest..there is only 1 set of footprint, so you see, he left her at the hardest part of the storm"

The other angel replied" that is where you are wrong my friend, for when it rained the hardest, you only see one set of footprint is because he was carrying her in his arms all the way through out the storm, for that is how much he love her"
The Jedi's 

So dont ever lose sight of those that manage to win your heart and warm your soul, dont dream of your wants when you already have what you need. Being selfish is fine as long as your selfish enough for both. Look at your heart now and find the silver lining. As usual here are some pics of the week. till later