Saturday, November 30, 2013

What we left behind..

It is done, 3rd World Cup Asia Paintball, known as Naza World Cup Asia 2013 is done. THis three years has takn a real toll on me, i can feel it in my bones. What should have been a 3 year plan has come and gone, and now we plan what comes next.

Yet in all of this, what is it that we actually achieve? In bringing up the sport of Paintball to greater heights, to approach sponsors, ether corporate or government, What was the end effect? Was the community happy? it pains me to see the community growing, a chance to watch the top teams in the world battling at WCA, to have a neutral ground to play in, to have a the most glamours if not elaborate event celebrations for the event. Yet voices of the disgruntal jelosy is heard, To run this RM3 million event (per year mind you) is never an easy task,  In three years of running WCA, i feels me with great joy to see the faces that makes this journey to Langkawi come November and honestly it is their kinds words, their smile that makes doing this all worthwhile. Yes, we as host lost money in WCA but the fact we were doing something for the sport and the cheers we got kept us going. For me, meeting old friends and making new ones are the reason i am in it. A sport like paintball is truly an amazing and spectator sport, We got the govrment and former prime minister in it, we even had the royal family playing it activley, YES it is all worthwhile so now we focus on the public, was this how badminton became a world wide house hold sport?

The three years of WCA, What is the treasure? For me it is the memories. For friends come and go, Love leaves us behind and famliy grow a part, the memory are the treasure that i treasure most. For the the days of walking to the hall and convincing PALS to taking on the WCA in a hall to the time that we were thinking of "borrwing" over 3 tans of sand. These are tresures, to the tim i met Kiran and the first time looking down from a poision ivy barrel, were timeless treasure, to the joy of seeing people you meet in MPOC and 1NPS coming together to enjoy the event, a true bliss, to the time i met her and we took our first picture with Oliver Lang..another treasure.

What am i babbling about? i also dont really know, just this week, i look behind me as prepare to jump for the future. I remember and i am thankful for the joys and sorrows of the last 3 years, as take then next WCA to new level, i pray for guidance and patinence to withstand what obsticles that is given, for his blessing for all my children and family.

So go out, take a minute to sit back and think, what were the sweetest moment of your life?

Hey, 'cause I believe in you
Oh, if I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it

Read more: R. Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

The sight i will never foget

The reasons i am alive

Tea with the boss

Looks like a wrong class for paintballers


A photo album..of what perhaps?

The lighter side of things

Saturday, November 2, 2013

11 and counting

Hey folks,

Sitting at the airport and tapping this out on my note three.  Damn, technology is really great and will surely get better.  As we go down the path of the future, I'm sure of more things to come.  Sadly so things in life will never know progress, human nature.  Greed, selfishness and cruel. Though are words such as motivation, inspire and guide but yet a true nature of humans cannot be changed, some say that it's a character trait of a successful man, hell ya if ur comparing to Hitler, edi amin or stalin.. Successful? Yes..  But well u know what I mean.  Then there people like gandhi, mother Theresa, the prophet whom live life on motivating people and finding the good of us rather than the worse of us..  Are they not successful?

As the nwcap grows near, I'm at a crossroads here.  With my title sponsor and the work that needs to be completed in 11 days bearing down on me.  With the support of my family team of AKR and pals..  We will reach there I hope.

On another note, an old memory has come back..  To nowhere or to somewhere is uncertain, for all I can say is that if it is good grace and his will, I ain't the one to shy away from this adventure, no matter where it leads...

Happy Deepavali and Awal Muharam  folks.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Coming in hot...

It's 32 days to nwcap - Naza World Cup Asia Paintball...  The first year that we have a title sponsor and yet we are struggling..  Missed out of some jobs and got betrayed..  What can I say.. Its testing time...

While trying to chill out, I saw the movie machine gun preacher..  It did give me some insight but more often than not, doubts and fear creep thru me.. Can we pull this off and survive for a better 2014. Well only time will tell.. See ya in langkawi.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy six years my son

It's been a rough month, since September actually. With so many betrayal by those so close and yet those far came and joined the loyal pillars that supported me. Seriously it's been a tough month but Alhamdulillah all is go.. Not great but good. Nwcap is looking solid and new projects loom ahead.. Insyallah..

With the past six years, he was in my life.. In the most darkest times and my weakest moment, he was there and it was his luck, strength and live that kept me going till now. I'm so thankful to god for him and I pray that he will be with me always. Happy birthday my son, you are half of the joy in my life as your assisted is the other half and the both of you complete and make me whole. May God hears my prayers and forever guide us to the right path.

We live life for others not for us, that is the secret of life for when we are to absorb in our own life we lose the gift.  Come rain or shine it is our niat that guide us and it will be seen by others..  I'm glad god opened my eyes and showed me the truth before it was too late.


Monday, October 7, 2013

Lgk boat trip

It was early yesterday, with Tun going for a boat trip that I was invited to join. It was fun and the last time I went thru kilim river was more than 8 years ago.
The whole boat trip even took us to gua cerita, the legendary cave that was said to have been the place that merong hid the Chinese princess during the garuda wars.

The night before we impromptu celebrated chicka bday at eagle rock, she is a band singer with chill Factor.  The night ended about 530am,well morning.. That is. Did our walks and chats with dato azhar with the beach boys. 

Now here in am at the airport, waiting to send Tun off before proceeding to KL. Work awaits and nwcap is merely 38 days away.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Farewell Ramadan

Salam to all,

its pretty late, im just trying to get my thoughts in order as we come to 1st Shawal. How as puasa? For me its the same, as it all, im grateful that i have had a chance to enjoy yet another month of puasa in my lifetime.

Ramadan this month was pretty challenging i would say, with God's grace that new events that has come our way and i am extremly happy that my small team is able to cope and endure this testing times.

All in all, meet new people this month around and learned about some in the course of time. I find it amusing that usually in this month of fasting that everyone, well mostly everyone becomes pious and super religious , the preaching the doa and fasting of sort makes such diffrent outlook of a person, as it is said that during the month, the devil is locked up, thus as preached by Ustaz Don (yah yah i was a a function when he preached) he said that in the month of ramadan, our eyes are open and our behaviour is normalize. If this is true that i had some shocking discovery of the people i know and most shockingly of myself.

Me..just me... Maybe in my age or journey through time, i get a bit more mellow and what not, i noticed that im always forgiving and adapting, even when i should not, this leads to the taken for gratned syndrome and it brings the devil in me when i realize it. A man or a person can never stop learning, in such of life, my dad taught me to always be humble, to bond with the staff and to lead by example. This i keep in my heart and soul and as such become a part of me, it always upsets me of those that simply bulldoze their way, they would have a mind set that they are forever right and dictate others to follow them,like the movie Brave Heart, nobles and lords (royalty and dato's in our world) usually tend to fall in this path, mainly because of all the friends surrounding them always boot licking or maybe the way they were brought up, in any case or cause, in the real world, things are far different. "Its not what you know but Who you know that matters" a line that was thrown to me in my journey, well in my opinion, only partly true. Whats the point of knowing but unable to do anything about it? As of all my life, im used to lead, to be the responsible one and as such i welcome those that share the seat with me. In the early years, with Izzany and Zaki, we shared powered as we are the power of three. We would rotate responsibilities within us and was pretty successful of it. Each trusted the others judgement and no envy or jealousy exited. This was due to our bond. Thick or thin.. and shared responsibility. In this module that was created, we thrived, even when business failed yet we still profit and when we do, the whole family does. The core of the Lost Boyz. I studied the art of war and the way of the sword (Sun Zu and Mushashi) great japanese shcolar, they tought me about self control, about the ability to harness darkness into light and the power to turn hope into a reality. It is now at this time that this method is not really working, i guess you can never replace the power of three but it the only method i know, for if not then it would be really hard to achive success at a fast and strong pace. No man is an island as my dad would fondly remind me, he is so right, a leader is only as strong as his team. A president or King is as great as his subjects, King Arthur, Saladin or even Kennedy are great heroes of man kind but if they were alone, how great would they be? So in all i guess it was because of their character, it was due to how they handle themselves that got them the following, the trust which in turn lead to power. A frist step was i guess humility. Yes humble, being humble reminds us of how fragile we are, it allows us to listen and learn because a proud and arrogant man learns nothing, this is the crux of learning. If we be humble then our minds will be able to soak and absorb what goes around us, able to understand and able to learn. Being a king one must first learn how to fight but one must also learn to lose, for then only we are able to savior victory. Everyone makes mistakes and life is all about that, for mistakes are our lessons in life, if we ignore it? thinking our title or money can sway everything... ask the Beatles "Can't Buy Me Love' which is so so true. A man's true worth is the worth of his words, if he says it will be there then it will be there, if he cant do it than it cant, this breeds trust and from it the intentions are reveled and perceived by others as "A Man Of His Words"

In others, the raya month opened to me a thought, a thought of the woman that dominates the city, using the beauty and gender to gain favors and the sad part is when they get what they want at the cost of themselves, they actually feel that they have won, that they have prevailed. How can this be when it is an process that is not natural, used and being used, a geisha maybe but thinking that we can cheat through life based on services rendered, makes us cheap. I saw it as most times, people who have long disappear would re-appear during their hard times and they think of you and come back to you, why? its because that they know your kind hearted or a sucker for them. The point here is that, did they ever consider that it was maybe they were the one's used and that their so called "victims" is fully aware of what they are doing and merely enjoying the show? sadly they don't. For them, life is merely a series of weeks and months, thinking short term, they dont want to be poor but rather be "taken" care of and convincing themselves that its is legit. I miss the old romantic ways and the attributes of a lady, a true lady. It hardly exist anymore. In my mind, i know i have tried to show em, to teach em, but alas either i failed or i just gave up. I guess i am not as patient as i use to be. I gave up on love and romantic path because women dont need that or even want that anymore, well not quite true as i do know that some still exist, but majority are like that. They would stay and be miserable , forcing themselves to think they are happy rather than taking a risk and finding a new path. To be fair, some of us do really love the misery, some at others and some to themselves. Still my hope remains, that one day,someone worthy shall come my way and i shall give it all to keep the light. If it was only that simple, hahahahahhah "I want to charm, romance, love, care and miss you all the time, show you the world from a new view, to ensure that you always feel special, to be your knight, to be your hero still being your teddy bear and your best friend, there is only one problem. I dont know who you are." That sums up my stand now. hahahaahhahahaah

Still i am grateful for all talent the God has borrowed me, the blessing that has given me, the guidance that whispered to me, the choices and rezeki that he has put in my path. More importantly, i accept and most thankful for the wars he has thrown me, the love and life that he has taken from me, the hardships he put in my path as this were all the buliding bricks to my own self. it is what that makes me stand, the understanding of my fellow mankind. In short, i am thankful and grateful for those that has stood by my, beleived in me, trusted me in the darkest hour, it is these people that form the wall and brace me when i too lose faith and within them that i find the strgenth to carry on.

As such with life, we should not feel just because in Ramadan we are to be holy and pious, fast because everyone else is, pray the terawih when normally we dont even do the wajib prayers. For such is the way of the world and through my eyes it is sad, not that im being proud as i too am on that ship but the only difference is that i dont give squat about glory, for i rather be remembered as a human being that was humble and as a source that changed peoples life. So go makan sahur and as Raya comes forget not what we spoke about here, of the things in life that can be changed, as life is about choices and do remember that "No Man Is An Island" 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

30 days vs yourself

  All around the world today, Muslims from all walks of life started the first day of ramadan. Ramadan is a month of fasting, many think that fasting is an act of not drinking and eating but it is far more than that. other religons around the world also have similar sessions.

Fasting is an act of self control, no lying, bad mouthing, gossiping and other harmful acts. (hence all politicians should take a month leave of absence) as those who fast would tell you, the devil and nafsu is at its most strongest during this month, the call to break fast is strong as to sway humans from this act of self control. So much so that to me, a full fasting day is not only victory for ourself but a victory against the devil.

Yet much of ramadan reminds me of the past, of my brothers and as i walked around the bazzar with my daughter in tow, it fills me with a sense of wonder of the journey that god has put me in. If the year before, my company was merely struggling and in fact was in ICU, with so many trusted ones bailing on it, i am honored and grateful that many stuck by me and God showed us mercy and allowed us to be here, in the last six months, we secured the AP BMX Supercross event in Octorber, Pitching for jobs in Jakarta and securing jobs with Astro. All this in 6 months, with the trust from Tun M, we pushed forward and secured Naza to be our title sponsor for three years.

As time grows and opportunities arises, we grab and go as far as we can go, with Stone Ads Sdn Bhd backing us up, i feel strong this year, with the three dragons combined (two have awaken) i still believe that this is a great start, provided that we are able to do what we must and have to power to face the hardships that is bound to come. That too is a victory i guess.

This time around, i do admit of getting bolder, in terms of marketing and promotions, i feel that we are able to purse a new way or path, and i pray god will answer my prayers ,if not for me then for my kids...

Hang in there folks, remember the struggle and do as much goodness and do remember, it does not have to be in Ramadan only that we be kind and good.


Our Patron, Tun and our team

Meeting of the power people

Kierra's 8 Birthday

Picking me up from the airport.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy Fathers Day

The Living Years"

Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door

I know that I'm a prisoner
To all my Father held so dear
I know that I'm a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I'm afraid that's all we've got

You say you just don't see it
He says it's perfect sense
You just can't get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Talking in defense

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It's the bitterness that lasts

So don't yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different date
And if you don't give up, and don't give in
You may just be O.K.

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

I wasn't there that morning
When my Father passed away
I didn't get to tell him
All the things I had to say

I think I caught his spirit
Later that same year
I'm sure I heard his echo
In my baby's new born tears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years

Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Goodnight Malaysia

Its almost 2 am and i just got home. Been following Tun on his campaign trail, tonight was the final rally in Jerlun. Good news is that Dato Mukhriz will be MB if Kedah is won back to BN. Well...

Tonight as we sleep, Malaysia sleeps and will awaken on Monday to a new world, we hope and pray that it will be a Malaysia that is bold, vibrant and focused on the road to success, of which She was deariled in 2002. Anyhow as most of you that read my blogs, i say what is in my mind without fear or prejudice.

This election in my experince is the most eye opening one for me, Thanks to a Sjoe who pointed me in this direction and sparked the old "PsiMaster" of me and of course the honor of following Tun M on his campaign trail. It amazes me that this man of 87 years, travel all around the country and campaign for BN while saving only the last day to endorse his son, Dato Mukhriz in his bid to win the Ayer Hitam seat.

 As i go to sleep and wake up to vote tomorrow, i present to you my wish list for a better Malaysia.

  1. Improve the underprivileged: In my runs to rural areas, it is blatant that Malays. Chinese and Indians are forgotten in this area, Why dont :
  • Use the empty parties operations center (bilik gerakan) to have FREE classes for the people around the area? Teach English, Social matters, language classes on weekly basis? This will surely benefit these rural folks and prepare them for 2020.
  • Find ways to curb the rampant sexual problems that is arising but constantly being ignored? educate them, we cant stop the western culture exposure but we can educate the younger generation to ensure they are prepare and know what they are getting themselves into. 
  • Integrate Malaysia: Instead of trying to combine schools into one or challenging other races, integrate Malaysia- Make Bahasa Melayu, Mandarin, Tamil and Jawi as Compulsory language classes in ALL schools- chinese, indian, malay and what not, this will bridge the gap of language which is often the start of racial discrimination among us. By having this for student of standard one to six, by the time they hit form one, they are mentally prepared to face everyone. For imagine, who would you feel if you find yourself in a situation where, your friend can speak to another person or person's in a language that you do not understand, the first feeling is "Inferiority" sets in then comes "Alienation" and later "racism" breeds. This way i think would really integrate Malaysia into one society without anyone sacrificing their racial ties, culture or religion. 
  • KBS and MSN should focus more and use the media to highlight and promote its role in these areas, this will again make the community realise the opportunities they have.
  • Regulate TV: Select the shows that are more inclined to our culture rather than  popularity. this is crucial because we cannot stop the wave of western culture that corrupts us but rather we can regulate it. 
  • Breed the Malaysian Spirit: The legends of our local heroes, regardless of race should be priority in all forms of media- Such Movies of Mat Kilau or the team that went to negotiate our independence, Our talented movie and TV industry can create the needed to make these shows or movies popular. 
  • Listen to our youth: Mat Rempits and other social ills needs to be addressed and addressed effectively  there was a BN/UMNO member that did a 6 month Mat Rempit program that worked that brought success in curing this ills. 
Well, this is my sens worth and there are many things that can done and approved, times i worry that we are spiraling into an unknown area, imagine: all those in the urban and city are exposed and yet our rural floks are far far from it but know from what they see on TV and read, these are simple people, once in the bight lights of a city things like -" Tak cool la tak hisap rokok, clubbing or social" what happens to them? a bridge between the two needs to be build and one that is one has to climb to reach the exposure stage, would this not slow down the decay of culture?

All in all, as i go to bed tonight knowing that come daybreak, i will be one of the millions that decide the road for Malaysia, i sleep with a heavy head, sadden by the state of things and yet hopeful for the things to come while facing for things as they are. I ask all of us to think and think again of the New Malaysia that we want to bring. So....

Wake up early, go and vote, don't be tempted in the riots or disputes of the results, accept and adapt, afterall didnt we all set this path on 5th of May 2013? sleep tight folks...


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Chimes of Change

"Its been a long time since i sat down and wrote, thoughts of our mind are usually different  of those that we project, As Malaysia comes to its 13th GE, this piece is written dedicated to all of us, Malaysian"s  

Five years ago today, i was in Sungai Petani, working as an Event Manager when the Tsunami came, UMNO divided and in-fighting broke out, allowed the lost of 2/3 majority in parliament and the loss of 5 states. As an on-ground observer, i learned and looked as the wave swept the country. Being an student of human behavior, political times are the best source of study into the human psyche. Paklah the head and prime minister at that time, had lost the the 2/3 majority of which has always been with Barisan Nasional for over 50 years, The 12th GE also rang the bell of defeat for Gerakan, MCA and MIC, that seems permanent as we prepare for  GE 13th. A lesson was learned here, the voice of the people cannot be silenced. The rise of Bersih and Hindraf was during this time, Did our leaders learn? Did we the rakyat learn?

I lost my father when i was 18 years old, My brother Zaki in 2006, My youngest and last brother in 2006, in 2008, i lost my marriage. Its a miracle that i haven't lost my mind but my kids who are my anchor and my uncle that gave me a lease line and a cousin that pushed me has helped me grow in these last 3 years, grow to an extent that i could have not imagined. Close and best friends helped me to find my footing and un earth the many tools that god has borrowed me and finally it was God himself that opened up my mind, eyes and heart to show me a path that i could follow. Even at times it is a path that i must lead, a reluctant leader no doubt but it is His will and His blessing.

Bearing this in mind, as we come to less than 48 hours till voting day, all the news reports and on ground support are still un decisive, some say its a pakatan government and some say BN will prevail. This time around, i have taken a more deeper approach into the elections, i study it, research on it and do something about it. Would Malaysia have to endure the loss of BN to see a new Malaysia, Will a new Malaysia under a new government be a better one than what we have now? Does BN have to lose so that we can a new Malaysia? Why can't a BN win be heralded as a new MALAYSIA? We have the power to choose, for that is our right.

In 2010, My company had a dream, a dream to host "The World Cup Asia Paintball" in Langkawi, in Mahsuri Hall, making it the world's first international indoor paintball championship. Putting the logistics into this was sheer nightmare, the funds are almost non existent as paintball was a new sport, unknown. Yet in those tight and dark unlit corners, we strive to the rays of light at the end of the tunnel. And now in 2013, we are organizing the third edition of this event. What has this got to do with GE 13? well thru my eyes, it is the perception of man (and women of course) The fear of change, the apprehension of uncertainty, as this are the basic's arguments of GE 13th. In the heart of things, this is the real argument. BN preaches 1 Malaysia, Pakatan also does the same but in all the arguments and politicking, the issues are never discussed. Free Education? How so? More in BR1M 2.0? How so? does anyone ask of the consequences of all these? We don't  Why? because we are scared, less we hide and take comfort for things that we are use to.

In this year campaign, I was blessed to have the opportunity of following the Man that built Malaysia to what it is today, This piece is actually about him. He is to me a true leader, he was tough when he needed to be and he was smart enough to let things go when it needed to be done and yet took the trouble to come back when things are going array. For whatever it is, He is a true Malaysian. He could take things easy and enjoy the remaining years but yet when things are rough, he comes back and tries to repair the damage and heal a divided nation. Still, the urbans, the young generations attack him, writers of many publications, web blogs and others condemn him, belittle him and accuse him of everything that went wrong. It is for this reason that i just wanted to write this piece.

Some will say it is because of his patronage to my event that i am sided with him but truth to the matter is that, it is his personality, drive and vision that i am sided to because of his boldness and leadership that has steered Malaysia to what she is today.

Tunku brought us Independence while Abdul Razak gave us development and healed the nation after the riots, Hussien Onn gave us unity, it was Tun Mahathir that gave us modernization. Holding the post for 22 years, it was he who changed Malaysia. Still yet the younger generation and even the older ones tend to forget. They now attack him in droves and throw accusations but still day in and day out, i see this 87 years old statesman, fighting for his country. It was once said that US Secret Service had a duty to protect all elements of harm, from outside and within and so in this year 2013, I see this great man, once again going up to battle for the Malaysia he loves.

Times i get disgusted by the accusations thrown to him and how easy for us to forget of the things he has done. Malaysiakini writers takes pot shots at him whenever they can, calling him many names but lest they forget that it was him that brought Cyberjaya, that spawned Malaysiakini and a host of others IT business, it was his vision in putting together the worlds greatest thinkers such as Bill Gates on the panel that designed the blue print of Cyberjaya, Imagine someone like Bill Gates and the others IT greats thoughts when asked to form this council for this small country known as Malaysia but yet it was done now mades us the hub of it all, the fact the administration after him totally abandon the blue print and making us lose to the edge seems easily forgotten.

Of how Malaysia was a force to be reckon with in his 22 years is easily forgotten, CHOGM and the commonwealth games was held here in small Malaysia, a country that was once called the country above Singapore. The prestigious F1 circuit came to Malaysia is also from him, which Singapore quickly followed suit to have one of their own. This was at a time when Malaysia was a nobody and became a somebody in the 22 years. Would Anwar Ibrahim would be able to establish the connections around the world if the platform had not been set? no way. For it was Tun's effort that brought many eyeballs to the country that we all so dearly love.

As he comes out and goes to ground to campaign, Everyone attacks him, and attacks without reason, things like corruption or cronyism is labeled to the man that built this nation. For me this are but the truth of humanity, we easily attach the bad to justify our own good. For where is there no corruption? in all our daily lives corruption exist in all manner and forms, Cronyism is a norm, for example, when we are asked to provide job reference for a job interview, is this a form of cronyism? If i as a paintballer is given a contract to build houses than by all means prosecute on the cronyism but it all goes into merit. The highways of the north and south, who had the guts and courage to build it? The penang bridge? The Astro Cable? yes at the end of the day, it makes people rich and these people know him but is this not the same in our everyday life? We know our children's teachers, which later leads to friendship, does it not? That is why it hurts to see all this attack on him especially when it is suppose to be directed to others.

As we grow close the polling day, i often argue on the merit of voting, and who to vote for. Yes, i too am angry and sadden by the current government and some issues but yet it is not his fault that things comes this way and we should not condemn  BN for this when 55 years it has given us what we have now. Would all this new writers or would be law makers of the opposition be where they are today if not for the opportunities and  chances given by  BN ? what about Tunku, Abdul Razak, Hussein Onn, Mahathir, what of their contribution for the nation? don't argue on matters that are irrelevant but argue on merits and policies, ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS then we will get the right answers, it is not about someone being homo sexual but rather what has the party done and what can they do? it is not about rings or business but rather of how that can benefit the nation. Malaysia is a we thing not an I thing. i have 2 children to raise and it is my hope that they will grow up asking the right questions to get the right answers.

When we face the ballot and we know we have the power to change things, why don't we change things from within? those that cry foul to UMNO then go into UMNO and change it from within. those who don't like MCA then go into MCA and change it, simply changing governments because of the current leadership does not solve the problems at hand, Malaysia is a nations of many and for years we have survived and prospered with our unity and even as things look bleak now, know that you can make a change but do it the right way, forget not what has been achieved and can be achieved rather than looking and thinking the grass is greener on the other side, running a country is not like running a state and it takes years of understanding and management to properly run a country, sometimes, we think it's simple, lowering fuel or giving free education but there are times that we need to feel the pinch to know where we stand, being cruel to be kind as my uncle often remind me. So Malaysian's come 5th of May, get up early and exercise your rights, be bold and most importantly be smart, think and think again, you don't change ships in mid stream and there many ways in making a change, Vote with your mind and know that the power is in your hands, if things are wrong tell them, if things happen and we do not understand than ask, switching camps don't makes us heroes, UBAH does not mean to change others but firstly it must start within us, know what we are fighting for and most importantly WHY we are fighting it, remember what Micheal Jackson sang "Man in the Mirror"

Will BN change if they are returned to power? that my friends is up to us, switching camps does not mean making things right. A split in the malay unity and the other races is NOT the road to progress but a journey to regression, this will cripple the nation and further more, putting green horns in the seats of power without seniors checking on things will further make things worse, Why? because to recover the damage of 5 years is not an easy task but rather get our voices heard, change within the system as this will promote unity and makes a stronger as a whole.

That being said, everyone please have a calm weekend, think and think again when we are voting but more importantly DO COME OUT AND VOTE, don't be a backseat driver, come and decide the fate of the nation that we love, MALAYSIA.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Little voices

"Just thought iwould share this with you all, not that it display any thing but as i was doing my work rounds and talking to people...and of what i have read, so just some reading stuff ,,,thats all"

We often say that rural areas are the heartland of the Umno vote, where the majority have no access to the Internet and glean their information about the world from the mainstream media - Utusan Malaysia or RTM.

We denigrate the rural people because of their lack of knowledge, and excuse their ignorance because of their location. We tar them with the label of being less politically savvy than their cousins in the cities.

Two widows, Amira and Zaharah, live 320km apart, and live on their husbands’ pension, of about RM800 per month. Both are uncertain of their future and struggle to make ends meet. Both were asked for their opinions about GE13.

Amira, who is 66, lives alone in her own home.

Will you vote in GE13?

Amira: I don’t know, yet. It depends if I can get transport to the polling station, but I am more worried about leaving my house unattended. Crime is rampant and even shoes left on the porch go missing. 

Nowadays, you can’t trust anyone. There are several foreigners around and the police are too busy to come and investigate. The papers say that crime is down. I don’t know who to believe.

Which party might you vote for, if you do vote?

azlanMy parents and all my relatives have always been Umno supporters. Look at the money the government is giving to the community. They are so generous, the BR1M is a godsend.

Are you aware that this money is funded by you, the rakyat?

I always thought the money came from Umno but then I never gave it much thought. So am I handing money over to the government, for them to give away? I don’t earn enough to pay tax, so that cannot be true.

People who earn enough and pay tax, contribute towards this payment. Some pensioners and low-income earners will be paying tax in other ways. When you buy rice, electricity or petrol, you are paying tax. Would you consider voting for the opposition if they are more responsible in managing your money?

I would never allow the Chinese to overrun and rule this country. They will turn us into another Singapore. If possible, we should send the Chinese packing.

The Chinese are also Malaysians. If your car broke down tomorrow, who would fix it? You once said that you trust only your Chinese mechanic to repair your car.

Perhaps, some Chinese should stay.

Why do you fear the Chinese?

When I meet friends at my weekly religious classes at the mosque, we are told that the Chinese will take over Malaysia and make it a Christian country.

Malaysia cannot become a Christian nation because it is stated in the constitution. Moreover, the Christians only make up 9 percent of the population. You went to a mission school, so did they convert you to Catholicism?

I spent some of my best years in the Convent, together with other Malay girls. None of us became Christians despite going to chapel, attending services, celebrating Christmas at friends’ homes and singing carols.

Do you think the Malays of today are less religious?

azlanI see more people going to religious classes and wearing tudung. There are more halal restaurants. Malays today are possibly more religious but in my time, we were more relaxed and I hardly read things like baby dumping or people dying while escaping the moral police.

Do your clothes define your religious conviction? What about some of our grandmothers who did not wear the tudung?

My mother and her grandmother were very religious people despite not wearing the tudung, but I worry about the behaviour of some Malays today. Some tend to go on the umrah after committing bad deeds. I thought Shahrizat Abdul Jalil was remarkable to go three times in two months, until someone said she had been involved in some scandal.

Do you think the Malays of today are better off than in the 1940s, 50s or 60s?

Yes, I think so. The twin towers are proof that the Malays are successful. More Malays are at university. Look at the Malay involvement in building Putrajaya.

NONEThe twin towers and Putrajaya may be symbols of modernity but they are also symbols of corruption because much money has been siphoned off into politicians’ pockets. Did you know about this?

No, I didn’t know that, but I remember Imam Hoslan Hussein talking about corruption in the mosques. I can’t understand why he was jailed for a year.

Government projects are not always put to open tender. In some cases, a company will have won a closed tender, because they have bribed an official involved in awarding the contract. Usually, the cost of the building spirals out of control. Are you aware that cost-cutting, the use of inferior materials and poor workmanship contribute towards defects that have led to buildings and bridges collapsing?

Is that what happened to the Terengganu stadium? When my son’s tender for a small building contract was unsuccessful, he said that someone else “paid” to get the contract. Now I know why.

Do you think that Malays are better educated than in your schooldays?

I attended school up to the equivalent of Form Five but I think I speak better English than many graduates. There are more Malays with degrees now but they have not used their education properly. 

My husband, a civil servant, used to complain that some Malays lack confidence, and hide their insecurities behind a veil of arrogance. I think perhaps, they are lulled into thinking they are excellent, when in truth they could do better by being more humble.

Similar questions were put to the other widow, 74 year-old Zaharah, who lives in a village in central Perak. She was forced to move, because her land was compulsorily purchased for a mining development.

She now lives in a clearing on the outskirts of her former kampong. She has no emotional attachment to this area. She has seen kampong life being strangled and has not noticed any improvements for pensioners. 

Zaharah is scornful of attempts to help the young while ignoring the elderly, and so has tried to keep abreast of political developments, with the help of family and friends who visit from the city, or by attending the occasional ceramah. She knows which party to vote for GE13.

Back in Petaling Jaya, Amira is thankful that she and her husband had purchased their semi-detached home 40 years ago. 

She copes with retired life in the city because two of her children help with the finances, but her complacency means that she has not bothered to find out why prices are rising, or considered that she and the other taxpayers will eventually have to pay for the largesse of the BN government.

It is clear that it is not just the location or the availability of the Internet or alternative media, that makes a person, politically ignorant.

Amira said: “My son says that Umno Baru is not the Umno that I knew. I must say that I have seen many improvements in PJ in the last five years. So maybe, I should vote for the opposition, this time.”

(Names have been changed to protect the innocent.)

Friday, February 15, 2013


Its 2013??

Oh no and i havent written in such a long time, truth to be told, there are many things in my head that i would like to type out but with work and stuff, i just keeps getting delayed. So how was valentines? in the past i written that why do we spend only one day in a year to celebrate love and not with our parents or family? its because we are short term thinking, stuck in the glory of the western idea, as yet we fail to see the values that is right in front of our faces..
Well im actually down with flu and will write more later... till then chill ya
