Friday, October 30, 2009

Its late but as the past couple of weeks,sleep escape me.i miss my daughter&i fear that they are pushing her further they not of the oath i made 2 her that i will always be by her side.her savior.have they forgetten of how attached i am 2 her?i recall gentin trip when they just enrossed with themselves&just left us both they keep us apart,on pretext of parental right but how easy 4 them 2 forget that im her easy 4 them 2 manipulate her&use her as hostage in securing thier selfish motive but masking it as parental love while they neglect&abandon her 2 year old brother?what kind of ppl r these?do they not fear god?kierra my princess,walid is sorry 4 this&of the things 2 come.walid never meant 4 these 2 happen.if walid knew then walid would never allow&let u b kidnapp.walid swear that walid wil not rest until ur returned home&reunited with ur brother.walid love&miss u so so much.sleep well my princess&walid shall guard&pray 4 u ur father.