Monday, March 10, 2014


Its again 6am ...

The Nation is in mourning, we are sadden of the loss of MH370, A thousand theroy and a million opinions and yet we are not even closer to the truth of it. Three of the crew members are firends of mine, we had served togther back in the days when i was a flight steward, i cant imagine what the family is going through and i pary for the safe news of MH370 with not only Malaysia but the whole world.

Rather than spew my theory and opinions like the other thousand experts out there, let me take a stab and write about MH370.

If anything taht regrads to the flight of MH370, the one thing that we can learn is the lessons from it. LIFE IS SHORT AND UNPREDICTABLE. I now fly every week and recently i fly my son in for his classes, what would happen if it was his flight? How do you react, we humans have gone soft, gone lazy, we take things for granted, we forget of the Al-Mighty, We forget of our purpose. Before MH370 we never did take people flying seriously, family members that travel overseas, loved one going to study, parents going for Umrah or children going to study, how many of us actually gave a thought about it? Flying is now normal and like everyday thing, Everybody can fly (sorry Tony and Air Asia) but as we get more advance we start to lose focus on the important things, a father flying to Beijing for work in order to make his famliy life better thus sacrifice the time with family and going to work, thinking that the next time we see them we can tell them. We forget, We lose focus. If anything that we can learn from this tragedy is that we must take life seriously, the ones we love, would it be great if we knew but we dont. So why do we still have ego and a misgudided sense of importance? i wake every day now with heavy heart, saddness of those that lost their loved ones on MH370, i worry and i am scared, what happend if God took me, have i done the best i could, Did i make sure my loved one KNOW that i loved them? i am scared

Love is great thing says a singer (cannot remember) but for me, its love of the heart, beyond money, beyond looks. IF having a BF revolves to the fact that he has an auto export car business and that personally he has a ferrari, pandemera and etc, Does that mean going public to spike of his wife and generating pubikcity, Would she still do what ever she did if he was merely a burger stall operator? or would he give her the time of day, if she worked in Watson? Nah, wont happen, our world is goverend of money. As i was having late dinner and dicussing this very fact, I know of financial stability but yet there is a merit and limit on it, And of coveting other people money ? so many examples, where would Hang Tuah be? Gandhi? We are a poor excuse at times, So folks, lessons of the day is that after you read this, please make so efforts to chase the love lost and rebuild a bridge over stilled waters, Do it now.. for tomorrow may be to late. Anyhow, here is movie reviews of this week (300 rise is not even worth it unless its a really quiet day)

About Time
                  What would you do if at the age of 21, you discover that you can go back into time? What would you do?

The story revels it a most natrual way, making you be a part of Tim, comparing our low times in our life to the movie, The lesson is finally shown in his father teaching and the final lesson in the end

12 Years a slave

                  Truly a great movie, maybe a lot of movies have been about slave but this is so refreshing that we value the simplest liberties that we have. Watch it please

On that note, nite folks and please th goverment of Malaysia, now is not the time to worry about an oppisation leader screwing someone arse(literally) it is not the time to worry about elecations or sports but about the more important of running a country.
