Monday, November 23, 2009

Fathers Day..

I know that father's day has long past but i just came back from my cousin's wedding, so i thought i share it with you all.
In a lot of sense, when we say cousins in my family, it means more than that. Ya normal family has cousins and such forth but the closeness that has been forged between us is far more than normal families. Our cousins are more brother and sisters in many ways, raised as best friends from children, with all the normal teenage mishaps and pranks within the family, therefore its no wonder that weddings and other functions , we would converge. Anyway before I get carried away, this piece is about fathers.
This particular wedding of my cousin, 90% of the family clan came and it dawned on me of the preparation that the parents had to go through to ensure the success of the event. This is of course not to mention, the uncles that came from far and near, arranging their children and what not to ensure a smooth flow of things. The funny part was that the wedding proper was held in a hall, which many of us had never been to, we had to convoy our way down and it was then I realized how closely we were all connected.  
What caught me on this day was, many people stopped and ask me if I was Syed Nong's son, when I answered yes, they would tell me that I look like him. This I guess would be the biggest compliment I could get. After all these years, its times like this gatherings that his presence and my brothers would be felt. Looking at the messed up life unfolding before me, I would really cut off my arm to have him, I know for a fact that he manage to touch everyone's life and in his own way made everyone feel special. Being a father is never easy, people always say senang aja. Cari duit and make sure all taken off but it is never that simple, a father is the protector of the family, no matter what you can find a replacement for your father, same as mother also, its sad that children with nature mothers and fathers have to depend on step or surrogate father or mother due to unintelligent decisions made by those that were suppose to look out for them. Anyhow, as the day moved on, I met more of my father's friends and family and more stories of this wonderful man that regretfully my children will never meet but I can tell them stories and pass on to them the values that was passed down to me. The importance of FAMILY, Education and Loyalty. In this day and age, many cases we read of youth as young as PMR being caught wet "tangkap Basah"or youth leaving school in form 3 or throwing of babies or passing their babies to relatives to raise. It is sad and thankfully due to the closeness of our family, we always work things out, no issues of going to beat up on family members with baseball bats as we read in the newspaper. As I recall this, a gentle tugging on my sampin and it was my son, looking up on me. I have a big duty in front me, a great responsibility on my shoulders and of course not forgetting my daughter, who is very far away from me .. something I am trying to resolve .
For those reading, take a moment and go to your dad and mom. HUG THEM! TELL THEM YOU LOVE THEM. There is NO replacement for them and cherish them as they is no tomorrow. Till next time. Happy Hunting..and peace.